The way to protect it is through registration.

you must have a design registration process.

Your brand is your most valuable capital.
The way to protect it is through registration.
-Brand Research
-Finding a Brand
-Brand Visual / Logo preparation
-Trademark Application and other services
-Brand Monitoring / Bulletin tracking
-Competitor analysis
-Trademark Legal Services
-Foreign Transactions

Patent Registration
Beware of imitations! Your industrial innovations,
your inventions with a patent registration.
people to use your ideas you can prevent.
-Patent / Utility Model Research
-Patent / Utility Model Application
-Patent / Utility Model Tracking
-Competitor analysis
-Patent / Utility Model Legal Services
-Foreign Transactions

Design Registration
To protect your product design from imitations
make a design registration process required.
-Design Application and other procedures
-Design Monitoring
-Competitor analysis
-Design Legal Services
-Foreign Transactions

Düzgün Patent
DÜZGÜN PATENT, It is a “special” consultancy company that offers effective and fast solutions to industrial property rights by transferring its 13 years of experience in the sector to a brand new and young organization, and makes you feel “special” with its honest working principle and the principle of confidentiality.
We are always with you, not behind you, in the legal processes that may occur after the application, finalization of all industrial property rights in Turkey and abroad, especially Brand, Industrial Design, Utility Model, Patent registration …
Feb 21
Turkey hosted derelict industrial spent a year
Feb 21
Industrial Property Draft Law Accepted at the General Assembly of the Turkish Grand National Assembly